Program entrance exam in graduate school in 04.00.06 – hydrogeology is used to set the professional level of applicants for this specialty.
Applicants must be highly qualified, wide profile, capable of independent creative scientific research activities in the field of hydrogeology.
The Programme is based on the following disciplines: hydrogeology, groundwater dynamics, hydro-geological modeling, experimental-filtration observations, experimental filtration test, garagiola, methods of hydrogeological research, meliorative hydrogeology, evaluation of groundwater resources, regional hydrogeology, mineral water environmental Geology environmental hydrogeology.

The modern definition and current problems of hydrogeology. The basic scientific and methodological sections of the scientific field of “Hydrology”.

The overall presentation of groundwater

The unity of natural waters on the planet. The underground component of the water cycle on Earth. The hypothesis of the origin of groundwater.
The specific properties of water, structure of water molecule and its variants, the structure of the water molecule, the structure of water. The types of water in rocks and their characteristics. Gdragon zones of the Earth. Water properties of rocks. Classification of underground waters according to the conditions of their formation and distribution.
The conditions of formation and distribution of ground artesian water. Main types of artesian structures. Hydrodynamic and gdragon zoning artesian basin. Features of formation and propagation of the fissure, karst, industrial, mineral, thermal waters, water areas of permafrost, water, marine and oceanic bottom.

The basics of groundwater dynamics

The basic laws of filtration of underground waters. The conditions of application of the linear law of filtration. Types of underground water flows, their structure and hydrodynamic features. The basic differential equations of geofiltration. Geopolitical settings. General characteristics of analytical methods for solving boundary value problems of geofiltration. The features of filtration in the zone of influence of hydraulic structures, horizontal wells, vertical water intakes.
Definition geofiltration parameters according to regime observations and experimental-filtrational works.
General characteristics of processes of heat and mass transfer (migration) of groundwater.
The concept of hydrogeological modeling. The main types of mathematical
hydrogeological models. The concept of mathematical-cartographic modeling of hydrogeological processes. The requirements for hydrogeological schematization and its sequence by a deterministic mathematical modeling of hydrogeological processes. Stage deterministic mathematical modeling of hydrogeological processes.

Methods of hydrogeological research

Types and purpose of hydrogeological investigations. Basis of hydrogeological mapping and the principles of hydrogeological maps of different content and scale.
Types of experimental-filtration works, their field of application and basic requirements to implementation. Formulation and method of interpretation of pumping tests.
The concept of the groundwater regime and methods for its study. The study of ground water on the basis of observations of their regime.

Fundamentals of reclamation hydrogeology

The concept of hydrogeological processes in irrigation and drainage areas. The change in the natural regime influenced by irrigation.
The methods and techniques of irrigation and land drainage. Combating salinization and waterlogging of irrigated land. Irrigation regime and its adjustment, operation of irrigation systems.
Methods and ways of drainage of waterlogged land. The types and composition of drainage systems.
Organizing and conducting hydrogeological and engineering-geological research in irrigation and drainage areas.

Framework for the assessment of groundwater

The types of groundwater. The notion of groundwater deposits. The definition of the gravitational and elastic groundwater reserves.
The concept of dynamic groundwater resources, forms of expression and methods of study.
The main factors and sources of formation of operational groundwater reserves.
Principles of hydrodynamic methods for the calculation of operating reserves of groundwater. Calculation of water withdrawals in unlimited homogeneous aquifer with account for the influence of the lateral boundaries of the formations.
The prediction of the quality of underground waters and their protection from contamination at water sites.

The basics gdragon

Soluble water property. Information on basic physical and chemical properties, the chemical composition of groundwater. Macro – and ScrollPane in groundwater. Water-dissolved gases, organic substances and radioactive components. Classification of groundwater chemical composition and the degree of mineralization.
Chemical analyses of water. The types and methods of processing and systematization of the results of chemical analysis of water.
Factors and processes of formation of chemical composition of groundwater. Migration of elements in underground waters. The specificity of the manifestations of physico-chemical processes in different hydrogeological conditions.
Massoperenosa processes in the underground waters and their geochemical significance. Garagekey method of prospecting of mineral deposits. The basic requirements for drinking water quality.

The regional distribution features of groundwater

The basic principles of hydrogeological zoning of the territory. Features of formation of groundwater in the artesian basins of the platform and Mezhigorskaya types in crystalline massifs and folded areas.
Scheme of hydrogeological zoning of the territory of Ukraine. A brief characteristic of hydrogeological conditions of the Dnieper-Donetsk, the black sea, the Volyn – Podolsk artesian basin, Carpathian, Crimean and Donetsk folded hydrogeological regions hydrogeological region of fracture waters of the Ukrainian shield.

Fundamentals of mineral water

The idea of mineral water. Mineral water as an integral part gdragon groundwater. The classification of medicinal mineral waters.
Mineral waters of Ukraine. The conditions of formation of radon mineral waters on the territory of the Ukrainian shield, carbonic mineral waters of the Ukrainian Carpathians and their deposits.
Conditions of formation of thermal waters. The thermal waters of Ukraine, their distribution and use.

Fundamentals of environmental Geology environmental hydrogeology

Modern ecological problems, the concept of the noosphere, geological activities, Geological and biotic circulation of substances in nature. Environmental factors and their influence on living organisms. The concept of ecological niche.
Natural resources as an economic category. Classification of natural resources. Socio-economic background of environmental problems. The main environmental problems of Ukraine.
Geological environment as an integral part of the environment and the biosphere. Anthropogenic factors affecting the condition of the geological environment. The idea of pollution and groundwater depletion. The migration patterns of contaminated water in aquifers.
The concept of rational use and protection of groundwater. Principal water conservation measures. Problems of state management of the geological environment.