Посвячення першокурсників

The solemn dedication of freshmen in students. Many warm words and wishes were expressed by the administration and honored guests of the University. Met with freshmen at the Department of hydrogeology, familiarity with teachers, group facilitator. Students with the beginning of the school year were congratulated by the head. Department assistant Professor Udalov Igor. Also…

День відкритих дверей

March 27, 2016 Kharkiv national Karazin University invites entrants to the open Day. Beginning at 9:00 Address: Freedom square 4, University main building, 2nd floor, conference hall (metro station “University”, “derzhprom”) Contact information: Phone +380 (57) 707-52-70 Center of pre-University education The programme of open doors day of the University  


4-6 November 2015, the II scientific conference “Actual problems of hydrogeology”. The conference featured 64 of the report of educational, research and production institutions and organizations of Ukraine. During the conference included 5 sections. Following the conference published a collection of “Actual problems of hydrogeology”.