На кафедрі відбулися 2 захисти кандидатських робіт

20.10.2016 of the Department of hydrogeology defended his PhD work on competition of a scientific degree of candidate of geological Sciences at the specialty 04.00.06 – hydrogeology. Valery Sukhov “Hydrogeological features of the development of suffusion and karst of the carbonate rocks in the territory of the Svyatogorsky historical and architectural complex” scientific supervisor doctor…

Захист дисертацій

October 20, 2016, at 11.00, room 2-49 THERE WILL BE A MEETING THE DISSERTATION COUNCIL TO 64.051.26 AGENDA:   1. Thesis Valery Sukhov “Hydrogeological features of the development of suffusion and karst of the carbonate rocks in the territory of the Svyatogorsky historical and architectural complex” presented on competition of a scientific degree of the…