On November 14-15, 2018, the Department of Hydrogeology of the VN Karazin Kharkiv National University hosted the Vth Scientific Conference with international participation “Hydrogeology: science, education, practice”. With the participation of specialists in the field of geology, hydrogeology and engineering geology, employees of leading scientific, educational and industrial organizations. The conference presented a wide range of reports on hydrogeology problems. There were lively discussions around a number of topics.

Conference participants are greeted by the Head of the Department of Hydrogeology, Associate Professor D.Sc. Udalov I.V.
Report prof. Tereshchenko V.A. on the topic: “The formation of the chemical composition of Mirgorod mineral water”

Report Assoc. Klevtsova A.A. on the topic “Results of schlich analysis on the river. Serersky Donets and near the village of Kamenka (Izyum district, Kharkiv region)”Speech d.geol.-min. n. “Theoretical views on the problem of the stability of the hydrogeosphere to external influences”
Collective photo

According to the conference materials issued a collection of scientific papers “Hydrogeology: science, education, practice” Issue number 1