IMG_5728Associate Professor of hydrogeology (part-time), PhD in geological Sciences.

Working as head of sector of the hydrogeological and gas geochemical surveys UkrNDIgazy. He graduated from the Kharkov state University , geological-geographical faculty on a speciality “Hydrology” (1998).

In 2010. he defended his thesis on the specialty “Hydrogeology”: “Industrial-hydrogeological conditions and their effect on the tightness of underground gas storages in the Dnieper-Donets artesania to the pool.”

He teaches courses of “Methodology and field hydrogeological and geological studies of deep wells”, “Ecological expertise and audit”, “Hydrogeology of oil and gas fields, Industrial Geophysics.

The research activities aimed at justification temperature and pressure conditions in the exploration of oil and gas fields; research, industrial-hydrogeological conditions of exploitation of hydrocarbon deposits and the condition of the irrigation wells and reservoirs; the assessment of the integrity of wells and reservoirs; definition, two-dimensional, vertical distribution, the boundaries between the hydrogeological floors in the Dnieper-Donets artesania the pool.

The author of over 40 scientific publications.

Room 2-57

Telephone work 707-50-74

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