Since 2012 at the Department of hydrogeology operates a Specialized academic Council on protection of dissertations in the field of “Hydrology” – 04.00.06. and “Geology of oil and gas” 04.00.17.
May 17, 2012 the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine Order № 594 at Harkovskomu National University. VN Karazin established specialized academic council K 64.051.26 acceptance of the right to consider and conduct defense of thesis for the degree of candidate of geological sciences on specialty 04.00.06 (Hydrogeology) and 04.00.17 (Geology oil and gas) for 2 years. 11.06.2014 by the order number 1279 activities of the Specialized Academic Council was extended for another 2 years.
Main activity cpetsializovanoy vchenoy Council po’yazana with the Department of Hydrogeology fakuletu geology, geography, recreation and tourism Kharkov National University. VN Karazin.
The composition of the Specialized Academic Council:
Chairman – Lurie Anatoly Yonovych , d.heol.-min.n., Professor, Department of Hydrogeology Kharkiv National University VN Karazin, specialty 04.00.17;
Deputy Chairman – Suyarko Vasily , d.heol.-min.n., professor, professor of mineralogy, petrography and mineral Kharkiv National University VN Karazin, specialty 04.00.06;
Scientific Secretary – Prybylova Victoria N., k.heoloh.n., Assistant professor, associate professor, Kharkiv National University VN Karazin, specialty 04.00.06;
Members of the Specialized Academic Council:
- Vysochanskiy Hilarion V., d.heol.-myn.n., professor of the department. Kharkiv National University VN Karazin, specialty 04.00.17;
- Yevhrashkina Galina Petrovna, d.heol.n., professor of the department. Oles Honchar Dnipropetrovsk National University, specialty 04.00.06;
- Zavalnyy Arkady Pavlovich , k.heol.-myn.n., assistant professor, associate professor, Kharkiv National University VN Karazin, specialty 04.00.06;
- Zaritskyy Petro , d.heol.-min., Professor, Department. Kharkiv National University VN Karazin, specialty 04.00.06;
- Krivulya Sergey Viktorovich, k.heol.n., Director, Ukryinskyy research institute of natural gases, specialty 04.00.17;
- Alexander Lukin E., d.heol.-min., Professor, Academician of NAS of Ukraine. Chief Researcher, Institute of Geological Sciences of Ukraine, specialty 04.00.17;
- Nyemets Lyudmila , d.heohr.n., Professor, head of department. Kharkiv National University VN Karazin, specialty 04.00.06;
- Nikolay Nesterenko Yu, d.heol.n., senior researcher. Senior Research Fellow, Ukrainian Research Institute of Natural Gas, specialty 04.00.17;
- Ohnyanyk Nikolai Stepanovich d.heol.-min.n., Head of Department, Institute of Geological Sciences of Ukraine, specialty 04.00.06;
- Pelihatyy Nikolai , d.fiz.-mat.n., senior researcher. professor, Kharkiv National University VN Karazin. specialty 04.00.06;
- Peresadko Vilino A. , d.heohraf.n., Professor, Dean of the Faculty. Kharkiv National University VN Karazin, specialty 04.00.06;
- V. Samoylov, k.heol.n., Head of Sector, Ukrainian Scientific-Research Institute of Natural Gas, specialty 04.00.06;
- Viktor Tereshchenko A. , k.heol.-min.n., associate professor of the department. Kharkiv National University VN Karazin, specialty 04.00.17;
- Fyk Ilya Mikhailovich , Professor, Head of Department, Kharkiv National University VN Karazin, specialty 04.00.06;
During the period of Specultaion of the academic Council held on protection of dissertations of applicants and graduate students:
- Krivulya Series – Criteria exploration of large deposits of hydrocarbons in nizhnyohirske-verhnekam enoughly sediments of the Dnieper-Donets basin
- Abelentsev Vladimir – Geological conditions of the optimization of the extraction of residual hydrocarbon reserves at fields in the North-Eastern priborovo zone of Dnieper-Donets basin
- Nemetc Dmitry – Hydrogeological conditions of the Central part of the South priborovo zone of Dnieper-Donets basin in connection with oil and gas potential
- Agres Natalia – Prediction of pashukevich oil and gas facilities on the territory of the Northern outskirts of Donbass dstance research methods
- Vasilenko Alexander – features of the geological structure and petroleum potential of salt-of sdvigovykh structures South Swano part of Dniprovsko-Donetsk depression
- Stebelskaya Galina – Geological background of the exploration and development of deposits of heavy oil and natural bitumen deposits of the Dnieper-Donets basin
- Amjad Aziz – Hydrogeochemical features of groundwater and Harambasiceva Cherskogo pools (Western Iran)
- Valery Suhov – Hydrogeological peculiarities of the development of suffusion and karst of the carbonate rocks in the territory of the Svyatogorsky historical and architectural complex
- Ostroyh Oksana – Regularities of changes in chemical composition of groundwater Chop-Mukachevo pool
14.07.2015 No. 758
Registered in the Ministry
of justice of Ukraine
July 22, 2015
No. 885/27330
The publication of theses and responses of official opponents
According to part five of article 6 of the law of Ukraine “On higher education” and to acquaint the scientific community with the achievements of competitors of scientific degrees and responses of official opponents for the consideration of theses in accordance with the legislation, I ORDER:
1. To establish that:
1) on the official web-site of higher educational institution (scientific institution), the specialized academic Council which adopted the thesis (monograph) to the protection section, which contains information about the Council’s work, are placed in read mode:
a copy of the thesis in electronic form, in addition to a thesis containing a state secret or information for official use only no later than 10 calendar days before the date of defending the thesis, stated in the dissertation, and in the case of the preparation of the thesis in the form of a published monograph – dissertation in electronic form;
reviews of official opponents in electronic form, in addition to reviews on a thesis containing a state secret or information for official use only no later than 10 calendar days before the date of defending the thesis, stated in the dissertation;
abstract of the dissertation in addition to thesis containing a state secret or information for official use, not later than 30 calendar days before the date of defending the thesis, stated in the dissertation;
2) placed in accordance with subparagraph 1 of paragraph 1 of this order, the materials are stored in open access on the official web-site of higher educational institution (scientific institutions) within three months from the date of issue of the diploma of doctor of philosophy or doctor of science.
2. Ensuring compliance with the requirements of paragraph 1 of this order, is vested in the chairmen of the academic councils.
3. The Department certification of personnel of higher qualification (Christopher S. D.) to provide state registration of this order in Ministry of justice of Ukraine in accordance with legislation.
4. This order comes into force from the day of its official publication.
5. Control over execution of this order to lay to the Deputy Minister Geuka A. There.
Minister Kvit