He graduated from Kharkov State University in 1979 with a degree in hydrogeology and engineering geology, and was qualified as an engineer-geologist.

In 1979 – 1987 Yakovlev V.V. worked as a hydrogeologist older than hydrogeologist, head of the Dzhambul hydrogeological expedition team of the Ministry of Geology of Kazakhstan. In 1987 – 1997, Yakovlev V.V. worked as a hydrogeologist, head of the hydrogeological party of the Kharkov Geological Survey Expedition of the NGO “Yuzhukrgeologiya”. In 1997 – 2006 Yakovlev V.V. He worked as a hydrogeologist of the first category and chief hydrogeologist of the Kharkiv complex hydrogeological party. 2006 – 2013 Associate Professor of the Department of Environmental Engineering of the city of Kharkov National Academy of Municipal Economy.

Since 2013 Until now, the main hydrogeologist LLC “Laboratory of Water Quality” Playa ”
Since 2017, a senior researcher at the Department of Hydrogeology, VN Kharkiv National University. Karazin

In 1999 Yakovlev V.V. defended his thesis for the degree of candidate of technical sciences on the topic “Drinking water supply of cities based on separate use of groundwater (for example, the city of Kharkov)”

On the topic of the thesis, 11 scientific publications have been published, including 5 articles in professional journals of Ukraine (one of them is in the Ukrainian edition included in the international scientometric database).

The main content of the thesis of V.V. Yakovlev is sufficient in 59 scientific papers, including: 2 monographs, 6 articles printed in journals included in scientometric databases (4 of them in foreign journals) 28 articles in professional scientific journals of Ukraine; 9 articles – in other domestic and foreign scientific journals; 1 – textbook; 2 patents;

Approbation of the work carried out at 12 scientific conferences