Associate Professor of hydrogeology.

He graduated from the Kharkov state University A. Gorky with honors (1973). Worked in the laboratory of engineering hydrology national Institute Ukrvodgeo. Since 1976 working at the University (head of the laboratory for modeling of hydrogeological processes, senior lecturer, associate Professor). Since 2003 Deputy head of the Department of hydrogeology.

Courses: “Methods of purification of groundwater; Methods of hydrogeological and engineering-geological studies”, “groundwater Dynamics”, “Introduction to hydrogeology”.

Direction of scientific activity – modeling hydrological processes for water, changes of regime and quality of groundwater in permafrost, the use of methods of multivariate statistical analysis in hydrology, impact assessment of industrial facilities on the environment.

The author and co-author of 93 scientific publications, including one monograph, 13 textbooks and textbook. In collaboration with I. Uglovym published the textbook “Educational hydrogeological and engineering-geological practice. The textbook”Hydrogeology” and the textbook “Multivariate statistical analysis of hydrogeology” recommended by the Ministry of education and science of Ukraine as a textbook and study guide for students of geological specialties of higher educational institutions of Ukraine.

Room 2-55

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